People! People all around the world! Hear me out! There has been an unexplainable conflict going on in Turkey. YÖK (Turkish Council of Higher Education) is trying to change our university's policy of education, which is an interdisciplinary style unlike the classical system in other state & private universities. Our University is Sabancı University and it is a private university in which we are given the chance of changing our faculties in case of changing idea about studying in the initial branches we choose. We are free to change our profession as engineering from visual arts or as social sciences to economics and etc. Any kind of transfers among the branches is possible. For example: I was an engineer and then didn't like it and changed it into economics. If I hadn't been in Sabancı, I would have forced to study engineering and would have been an unhappy person.
And YÖK wants to cancel that freedom of choice, the freedom of choice that made us happy, due to so-called unequality (with the students in other universities). They argue that this system in Sabancı University creates an unjust act because the students who want to be an engineer but cannot get enough points (since engineering branches require more points than -say- literature) in ÖSS (exam of electing students for the higher education chance- which is another bullshit of YÖK in my opinion), are entering Sabancı University and then change their branch to enginnering. They are oppose to this fact. This rotten idea actually tells us, the ones who study social and verbal topics are stupid so they should not try to learn numerical stuff. Their stupidity makes me sick and shout as "You are all assholes" which is actually the truth. They let themselves be "screwed" by capitalist and totalitarian forces in and out of Turkey. This is a social crime. Turkish youth has been hypnotized by low quality education and more entertainment supply. The ones willing to be in power after a decade, are creating a generation that is ignorant, unaware of the social and political facts in his/her country, taken of its civic, social.. rights and conned by the illusion of a modernized world in terms of electronics, communication, entertainment, drugs, alcohol or religion. They want us, the Turkish youth and community, to be mono-types, like sheep. No questioning, no comments, no idea.. What ever they say will be our wish.
In Sabancı University, we are learning what we want, not what we are enforced. We choose our professions after 2 years of liberal education about sociopolitical sciences, history, mathematics and natural sciences. Thus, there isn't any "insufficiency" in our backgrounds whatever branch we may choose. If freedom means to be able to choose what we want from the alternatives we have, since Sabancı University offers us countless alternatives of branches, Sabancı University means freedom. Fight for Sabancı! Fight for freedom!
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Hayır efendim bu kesinlikle ek$isozluk özentisi bir yazı değildir, sadece ucu kıytırık yerlere varan kendi öz inancımdan kaynaklanan bir bitim tarihi ve copyright mevzusudur. İşbu yazı burada olduktan sonra buradaki yazılar ve imajlar Birleşmiş Devletler İnterneti Koruma ve Geliştirme yasası altında ulvi haklar doğrultusunda korunmaktadır. Şimdilik buradaki yazılar, mittafa tüzel kişisinin okilovebeytiverymuch adıyla internete bir yansımasıdır ve bu yansımayı mittafa pek sevmektedir. Hatta bu tüzel kişi, artık tüzel olmakla kalmamakta, tüzel kişilikleri içermektedir, içerecektir, içermelidir. Eğer bu itirazınız varsa bi şekilde ulaşmanız pek tabii mümkündür. Süpaneke dinimiz amin
this is war!!!
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