Google Translate Rocks in Turkish, and it hurts me(Google Translate Kayalar Türk ve bana acıyor)

I went from one empty the other one empty, the taste of ruffles, while nice, but Dick does go, then the addiction is doing to people like gene. Scuba was one such. Anyway, I have gained a new vocation. Went to collect her country's flag. Yes, yapcam collection. Ky'dan has infected me, he met an American Bratislava'da yesterday. According to the film was supposed to kill Hostel in Bratislava, but does not go backward more than one city. I got the castle, the castle is very similar to the construction field. Fortunately, my income is already 1 hour and go way. Two capitals of the world was the closest to each other. What feet Vatican with Rome, allasen go.

Kay comes to, well to me, but not difficult, it's super sled instead. When do I regret, but the taste always comes. Two times I had at the bottom of the cradle, but my leg while skiing in 270 degree rotation is good, I guess not broken, but I guess there çizcem gold. Does not hurt, but it tastes like whatever I have left. Anyway, what you have exams tomorrow. What exams or I do not know German so that: D did you would not go be funny?!
Whatever decision the horizontal veriririm my morning. Gitcem In fact, precisely in the morning and still connected.
Time was 11, Turkey with the 12th hour Sleep came to me, I'm getting a new book Clash of Civilizations and Remaking World Order ederkene uyuklayım I know more. What did you do Marcus Marcel Flat share my bi strange child, I was afraid that my roommate is not anyway. Brrrr.


sbeilin said...


lugis the great said...

ya yok böyle bi saçmalık, translator da kayalar değil çoraplar!!1!


Hayır efendim bu kesinlikle ek$isozluk özentisi bir yazı değildir, sadece ucu kıytırık yerlere varan kendi öz inancımdan kaynaklanan bir bitim tarihi ve copyright mevzusudur. İşbu yazı burada olduktan sonra buradaki yazılar ve imajlar Birleşmiş Devletler İnterneti Koruma ve Geliştirme yasası altında ulvi haklar doğrultusunda korunmaktadır. Şimdilik buradaki yazılar, mittafa tüzel kişisinin okilovebeytiverymuch adıyla internete bir yansımasıdır ve bu yansımayı mittafa pek sevmektedir. Hatta bu tüzel kişi, artık tüzel olmakla kalmamakta, tüzel kişilikleri içermektedir, içerecektir, içermelidir. Eğer bu itirazınız varsa bi şekilde ulaşmanız pek tabii mümkündür. Süpaneke dinimiz amin