Food is one of the most crucial need of each individual. Living under unified shelters may helped humanity to live in a relatively secure manner. With some reasonable pros and cons, yet living as a community has it's necessities, rather than requirements. Having a common voice, rather than orchestra of each ideas. The dormitories that we are living are not the abyss of the darkest ocean, however the current situation what we are dealing with has illegitimate regulations about in every aspects of our humble lives. We are nothing but students, yet being student does not mean we have no arms or breath to make any action. Due the urgency of current situation it has come to my attention that some have lately determine great and senseless rules about our live. Their so-called intention is improving our wellness and being residenceness . I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? Yes, we have to collaborate with the authorities, but this was not our choice to live in an isolated environment. So I ask you, how they find their power to set some ridiculous prices on our most needed necessities? Namely, shelter and nourishment.
We are not trilobites! Their fate was extinction. They couldn't find a way to survive at the bottom of ocean. So,I ask you, would we model ourselves on the trilobite? If we don't want to become a pathetic insect like Samsa, we should collaborate. So from now on I became a collaborator. Therefore I say, yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification. Unification for our survival and this is not an option. This is a necessity of living as a community. And in this community we have a war and we have to fight for our survival against the tyrannic, profit-oriented instruments of so-called institute named as university.
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